Übersicht: NewsErstellt am: 20.08.2024

On 31 January 2024, we celebrated an important milestone in the academic career of one of our young scientists: PD Dr. Johann Matschke (photo: right side), principal investigator of GRK 2762 and Junior Research Group Leader within the Jendrossek Group at the Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research) received the certificate about the venia legendi for Cell Biology.
In his inaugural lecture, he gave a general introduction into metabolic alterations as hallmarks of cancer cells and then provided a perspective on opportunities for their exploitation in cancer treatment, including also his findings of his own research. The habilitation certificate (venia legendi), symbolizing his academic achievements, was presented to him by Prof. Dr. Anke Hinney (photo: left side), Vice Dean for Young Academics and Diversity.
The lecture was attended by numerous guests, including colleagues, friends, and members of the scientific community who have supported PD Dr. Matschke throughout his journey. We are immensely proud of PD Dr. Matschke’s achievements and are honored to have witnessed this remarkable milestone in his career. Congratulations, Johann, on your well-deserved recognition and for setting a shining example in the pursuit of excellence in cancer research.