Research interests

The research focus of my group revolves around understanding the role of autophagy in cancer and exploring the use of autophagy modulating agents as potential therapeutic targets in tumors. We undertake a variety of approaches, from understanding basic molecular biology mechanisms in cell lines and patient samples to ultimately translate the findings into the clinic.


  • DFG Grant:  “Targeting autophagy as treatment for Receptor Tyrosine Kinase-amplified cancers”.
  • DFG Grant:  „Role of autophagy in resistant Receptor Tyrosine Kinase-altered cancers“
  • Deutsche Krebshilfe grant:  Collaborative project, priority program “Translational Oncology”.
  • Josepha and Charlotte von Siebold Habilitandinnen-Förderprogramm
  • University of Duisburg-Essen:  Corona-care in der Medizin Programm

Dr. rer. nat.
Silvia Vega Rubin de Celis

(Jun. research group leader)


Lingyi Cai

Medizinische Doktorandin
(Medical doctoral student)

Gordon Hicking

Technischer Mitarbeiter
(Technical assistent)

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Nele Kühne

Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Dr. rer. nat.
Safa Larafa


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Rebecca Lehmann

Studentische Hilfskraft
(Student assistent)

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Julia Magerkohl

Studentische Hilfskraft
(Student assistent)
