Cell sorter device
BD FACSAria™ Fusion – Technical details
Technical specifications of the manufacturer:
BD FACSAriaTM Fusion cell sorter, integrated into a Class II microbiological safety cabinet.
Cell sorting can be performed with simultaneous product and personal protection.
Device configuration on site:
- 5 lasers: 355 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm
- 2 scattered light and 18 fluorescence detectors
- Nozzle diameter: 70 µm, 85 µm, 100 µm, 130 µm
- 4-way sorting
- Sorting in 12x75mm, 1.5 ml or 15 ml tubes
- Single cell storage, index sorting
- Sample cooling, heating (5 °C – 40 °C)
- Aerosol management system
Configuration of the photodetector arrays:

Philip Abstoß
Technischer Mitarbeiter
(Technical assistent)