Chair of Molecular Cell Biology
The sensitivity of tumor cells and normal tissue cells to the induction of cell inactivation/cell death is of central importance for the radiosensitivity of tumors and normal tissues. In this regard, cellular radiosensitivity is amongst others determined by the cellular molecular background, by conditions in the microenvironment, and by individual factors in the respective organ or tumor host. In addition, the type of the cellular radiation response, cell inactivation and cell death (immunoactivating, immunosuppressive) plays an important role in the local and systemic response to radiotherapy and possible adaptive reactions with impact on the therapeutic outcome.
The department focuses on molecular cell biology, radiation biology and experimental radiation oncology. The scientific objectives are to identify molecular, cellular and immunological determinants of the radiation response of tumour cells, tumour and normal tissues; to characterize the molecular basis for a heterogeneous therapy response of tumours and normal tissues, and to develop suitable models and methods for cell-, tumour- and radiobiology investigations. Based on the knowledge gained, targeted strategies for modulating the radiosensitivity of normal tissues and tumors are being developed. Overall goal of the investigation of the underlying mechanisms and of the tumor biology of solid tumors is to identify new biomarkers and therapeutic target structures for a biology-driven optimization of cancer therapy. Subsequently, novel combined therapy approaches are validated in preclinical models in vitro, in ovo and in vivo. Promising combination therapies or biomarkers are tested in translational approaches in cooperation with clinical working groups for their suitability for transfer to the clinical situation.

Univ. Prof.in Dr. rer. nat.
Verena Jendrossek
Lehrstuhl “Zellbiologie”
Stellvertretende Geschäftsführende Direktorin
Research focus
- Mechanisms of therapy-induced cell death and associated resistance mechanisms
- Tumor biology and therapy resistance (molecular heterogeneity, hypoxia, stroma)
- Mechanisms of radiation-induced immune changes
- Mechanisms of radiation-induced normal tissue toxicity
- Definition & validation of prognostic biomarkers & innovative therapeutic strategies – Development of methods and models
Within the department PD Dr. rer. nat. Justine Rudner, Dr. rer. nat. Silvia Vega Rubin de Celis, PD Dr. rer. nat. Johann Matschke, Dr. rer. nat. Florian Wirsdörfer and apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Diana Klein lead research groups on the following topics:
- Mitochondria and resistance to therapy
- Autophagy in cancer
- Metabolism and radiation response
- Radiotherapy and immunomodulation
- Vascular remodeling and normal tissue protection

NG Matschke

NG Rudner

NG Vega Rubin de Celis

NG Wirsdörfer

Julia Asche
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Mohamed Benchellal
Technischer Mitarbeiter
(Technical assistent)

Maja Bucholzki
Medizinische Doktorandin
(Medical doctoral student)

Lingyi Cai
Medizinische Doktorandin
(Medical doctoral student)

Sarah Etemadi Afshar
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Katharina Eul
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Dr. rer. nat.
Farnoush Farahpour
(Jun. research group leader)

Eva Gau
Technische Mitarbeiterin
(Technical assistent)

Dr. rer. nat.
Lena Gockeln

Nikita Gorainow
Medizinischer Doktorand
(Medical doctoral student)

Melanie Heitmann
Technische Mitarbeiterin
(Technical assistent)

Razan Hessenow
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Mario Hetzel
Wissenschaftl. Doktorand
(Scientific doctoral student)

Gordon Hicking
Technischer Mitarbeiter
(Technical assistent)

Vaanilaa Ketheeswaranathan
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Diana Klein
(Head of laboratory)

Nele Kühne
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Mikhail Kunin
Wissenschaftl. Doktorand
(Scientific doctoral student)

Dr. rer. nat.
Safa Larafa

Rebecca Lehmann
Studentische Hilfskraft
(Student assistent)

Julia Magerkohl
Studentische Hilfskraft
(Student assistent)

Rohit Mallick
Wissenschaftl. Doktorand
(Scientific doctoral student)

PD Dr. rer. nat.
Johann Matschke
(Jun. research group leader)

PD Dr. rer. nat.
Justine Rudner
(Jun. research group leader)

Merle Schaffrin
Medizinische Doktorandin
(Medical doctoral student)

Fatma Zehra Sevendik
Studentische Hilfskraft
(Student assistent)

Lisa Stasch
Wissenschaftl. Doktorandin
(Scientific doctoral student)

Dr. rer. nat.
Silvia Vega Rubin de Celis
(Jun. research group leader)

Angelika Warda
Technische Mitarbeiterin
(Technical assistent)

Dr. rer. nat.
Florian Wirsdörfer
(Jun. research group leader)